2000s: »European«, archive series, research platform

L’Homme Archive series

2003 saw the publication of the first volume of L’Homme Archive. Quellen zur Feministischen Geschichtswissenschaft (Sources of Feminist History), the second book series of L’Homme. Z. F. G. It contains selected sources for research and teaching, as women's and gender history has covered many topics over the last thirty years, and new and old sources have been catalogued and analysed. By 2015, five editions had been published. In 2016, the L’Homme Archiv series was discontinued and integrated into L’Homme Schriften.

“European Journal”

An important change concerned the title, which since 2004 has been specified by the adjective "European". This specification, as the editorial (issue 1/2004, p. 10) explained, "expresses the European/transnational localisation of the editors", "but not a geographical limitation of the field of research". The journal thus, on the one hand, emphasises the strength of German-language women's and gender history, and, on the other, the diversity of European research traditions. L’Homme. Z. F. G. has been able to establish itself as a bridge between the many "Europes" and between Europe and the USA through a variety of collaborations and networks that have been built over the years.

As L’Homme. Z. F. G. sees itself as an interface between different linguistic and scientific cultures, English texts are always published alongside German. Translations from other languages, especially Italian and French, have also played an important role since the first issue. In the last fifteen years, the work of women academics from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe has also been increasingly translated and published.

The international conferences and workshops of L’Homme. Z. F. G. that have been held in various European cities since the mid-2000s also contribute to the networking of researchers. Besides, the meetings of the editorial board are no longer exclusively held at the University of Vienna, but have been organised in various European cities by the local editors (Berlin 2005, Basel 2006, Prague 2008, Groningen 2011, Basel 2013, Siegen 2015, Berlin 2016, Sofia 2017, Oldenburg 2019, Tours 2023).

Rubrics and peer review

New sections have been introduced over time, such as "In dialogue" (2001), "Forum" (2001) and "From the archives" (2003), and the typography was changed with issue 1/2005.

In line with international standards, L’Homme. Z. F. G. became a peer-reviewed journal in the early 2000s, in addition to the editorial review process.

Research platform

From 2006 to 2011 the journal – alongside the Collection of Women’s Personal Papers Women's Legacies Collection (Sammlung Frauennachlässe), the virtual Salon 21 and several (book) projects – was part of the research platform “Repositioning Women‘s and Gender History in the New European Context. Networks – Ressources – Projects” (Neuverortung der Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte im veränderten europäischen Kontext. Vernetzung – Ressourcen – Projekte) at the University of Vienna. The research platform brought together resources and facilities that women's and gender historians had successfully initiated at the Department of History at the University of Vienna.

20th anniversary celebration

In June 2009 the journal celebrated its 20th anniversary. Edith Saurer, Christa Hämmerle, Karin Hausen and Claudia Opitz-Belakhal gave the keynote speeches. The anniversary issue (1/2009) was accompanied by an index volume containing the names of all authors and the titles of their articles from the first 20 years.

10 years L'Homme – revisited, in: Festrede von Edith Saurer zur 20-Jahr-Feier, PDF (Speech by Edith Saurer at the 20th anniversary celebration, PDF)

Festrede von Christa Hämmerle zur 20-Jahr-Feier, PDF (Speech by Christa Hämmerle at the 20th anniversary celebration, PDF)

Festrede von Karin Hausen zur 20-Jahr-Feier, PDF (Speech by Karin Hausen at the 20th anniversary celebration, PDF)

Festrede von Claudia Opitz-Belakhal zur 20-Jahr-Feier, PDF (Speech by Claudia Opitz-Belakhal at the 20th anniversary celebration, PDF)