2010s: Anniversaries and change of publisher

L’Homme. Z. F. G. has been published at V&R unipress since 2016. Editions published since 2016 can be ordered directly from the publisher or in bookshops.

The importance of L’Homme. Z. F. G. for European women's and gender history and gender studies was underlined in 2011 when the journal was listed in the highest possible category (INT1) of the European Reference Index Humanities (ERIH) (Gender Studies list). ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) evaluated all academic journals listed by ERIH (2008-2012) on the basis of new criteria, and L’Homme was again included in the list in 2015.

Since 2013, L’Homme has been available as a digital subscription in addition to the print edition.

Change of publisher in 2016

At the beginning of 2016, L’Homme. Z. F. G. has moved from Böhlau Verlag to V&R unipress (a subsidiary of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen). In 2021, V&R was acquired by Brill. Due to the change of publisher, older editions of L’Homme Z. F. G. are no longer available in bookshops, but can be ordered from the editorial office (contact: lhomme.geschichte@univie.ac.at) or are available as open access on this website.

25 and 30 years of L’Homme. Z. F. G.

In November 2014, L’Homme celebrated its 25th anniversary with a special event at the Vienna City Hall. The public event, attended by around 200 guests, provided an opportunity to discuss the relationship between women's and gender history and general history – with a keynote speech by Ute Frevert (Berlin) and a speech by Christa Hämmerle (Vienna), greetings from sponsors and colleagues, reviews by some former editors (Ute Gerhard, Karin Hausen, Regina Schulte) and the presentation of the anniversary issue (Gabriella Hauch, Monika Mommertz, Claudia Opitz-Belakhal).

In 2019, the journal celebrated its 30th anniversary; the first issue was published 30 years ago (in the winter of 1990)! For 30 years, the home of the editorial office – the heart of the journal, which is currently produced by 17 editors from 8 European countries and the associated series of publications – has been at the Department of History (Institut für Geschichte) at the University of Vienna.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of L’Homme. Z. F. G., a special editorial written by Christa Hämmerle has been published in issue 2/2019 In addition, an anthology (Sammelband) of 27 interviews conducted over the past decades with renowned scholars on various aspects or contexts of feminist research which appeared in L’Homme (as the "In Dialogue” section of the journal). The volume "Politics - Theory - Experience. 30 Jahre Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft im Gespräch", has been published in spring 2020 in the book series L’Homme Schriften (vol. 26), edited by Ingrid Bauer (Salzburg/Vienna), Christa Hämmerle (Vienna) and Claudia Opitz (Basel).

Articles and reviews on L’Homme Z.F.G.:

Christa Hämmerle u. Michaela Hafner, „L’Homme“. Rivista europea per le scienze storiche femministe, in: Storia delle Donne. Rivista Annuale, 15 (2019): Donne in rivista, 25–30, see: https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/sdd/article/view/9037/7939 or https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/sdd/issue/view/593/104

Edith Saurer, Michaela Hafner u. Li Gerhalter, The Research Platform "Repositioning of Women's and Gender History" at the University of Vienna, in: Genre & Histoire, 7 (Automne 2010), see: journals.openedition.org/genrehistoire/1092

Gabi Horak, Feministische Zeitschriften in Österreich. Feministischer Journalismus arbeitet nach anderen Qualitätskriterien. In: Lea Susemichel, Saskya Rudigier u. Gabi Horak (Hg.), Feministische Medien. Öffentlichkeiten jenseits des Malestream. Königstein/Taunus 2008, 19–31,

Christa Hämmerle, L’Homme. Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft. Un projet éditorial entre intégration et exclusion. In: Clio. Histoire, femmes et société, 16 (2002), 33–49. Christa Hämmerle, L’Homme. Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft – ein (inter-)universitäres und (inter-)nationales Projekt, in: Gertraud Seiser, Eva Knollmayer (Hg.), Von den Bemühungen der Frauen in der Wissenschaft Fuß zu fassen (= Materialien zur Förderung von Frauen in der Wissenschaft, hg. vom Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Band 3.), Wien 1994, S. 75–81.