About L'Homme. Z. F. G.

L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft (L’Homme. Z. F. G.) has been published twice a year since 1990 as the first German-language journal for feminist history. It sees itself as an interface between different linguistic and academic cultures and takes this into account by focusing on a variety of topics and regional references. The original articles are published in German and English; translations from other languages – such as Italian or French – are very important to us.

The topics of L’Homme Z. F. G. are dedicated to the classical fields of research in women’s and gender history as well as to new research fields and ongoing discussions of methodology and theory (of gender studies, queer studies …). In addition, there are analyses of current gender debates and developments in feminism, as well as research reports (in the sections »Forum«, »News and Commentaries«) and presentations of sources (»From the Archives«).

Reviews relate to the theme of the issue or take into account other important new publications in feminist historiography. L’Homme Extra also publishes texts outside the main focus of an issue.

The time periods covered largely range from the Middle Ages to the recent past, sometimes including antiquity.

All contributions to the journal are anonymously peer reviewed according to a strictly regulated procedure.
The journal was initiated and co-founded by the Viennese historian Edith Saurer (1942-2011).
L'HOMME has an international editorial board:

Ingrid Bauer, Vienna and Salzburg | Anna Becker, Aarhus 
Mineke Bosch, Groningen | Bożena Chołuj, Warsaw  
Maria Fritsche, Trondheim | Christa Hämmerle, Vienna
Gabriella Hauch, Vienna | Almut Höfert, Oldenburg
Anelia Kassabova, Sofia | Claudia Kraft, Vienna
Ulrike Krampl, Tours | Christina Lutter, Vienna
Sandra Maß, Bochum | Claudia Opitz, Basel
Kristina Schulz, Neuchâtel | Xenia von Tippelskirch, Frankfurt am Main 
Heidrun Zettelbauer, Graz

Ehemalige Herausgeberinnen seit 1990, PDF (Previous editors since 1990)

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat / Scientific Board (PDF)
Contact: lhomme.geschichte@univie.ac.at (editor Veronika Siegmund)